I’ve already made Facebook posts, but it somehow didn’t feel right not creating another blog entry incorporating the day in another way and going into more detail.
Book Release Day (31st October 2024)
‘Will Worthington and The Black Rainbow’ was officially released worldwide on October 31st, Halloweeeen. It was an event I had dreamt about for more than sixteen years, and it was finally here. After panicking, stressing, and worrying, I had planned what I could for it, and (with the much needed help of family) I was all ready to start my signing at 10am. I must admit, as it was all getting set up, I shed a few tears. It had been something I hadn’t done since I saw the first copy, but I’d been so busy, I think I hadn’t given myself a chance to let the reality sink in. It was as though I felt all those years of hard work washing over me. I was ready. I had studied, edited, submitted, but in the end, it had all come down to this.
However odd a thought this was, I kept thinking, if I’d been like Raven from the Disney Channel series ‘That’s so Raven’, I would have only seen a snippet of the last month with no context and assumed I had been traditionally published. Now? I’m pleased I have taken Will into the world by myself. After all, I had been honing my craft, and marketing on social media for over a decade. Then, it hadn’t mattered as much. Little did I know….
My book signing table was overflowing with many items that I had collected over the years, in preparation for this exact moment. I had a pineapple jug. There were coasters I’d designed to make them look as though they were from the hotel in my book, Pineapple Palace. There was a pineapple and rainbow bunting, too, which a friend had made for me, and I had bought three packs of Pineapple sweets from town. It was a vision in my head since the beginning, so I had to get them. Joining me was Ouchy the cactus, who was being quiet (for once) until he wasn’t! (As it turned out, he was so popular with everyone.) Armed with a takeaway coffee from The Galley Cafe, I jumped into greeting people who came into the children’s section of the Lyme Regis Bookshop. I was completely in my element, talking and laughing with kids, who genuinely wanted a copy of my book. It was the times I mentioned their favourite words, ‘Percy Jackson’, ‘Alex Rider’ and even ‘Lemony Snicket.’ Good ole elevator pitch!
It was out of this world.
It almost felt like an out of body experience, because usually, this scenario would be one I would dream about, not live. There was only one thing that I was disappointed by. I had invited Anthony Horowitz to the signing. (Years back, he had written ‘I’ll be at your signing’ in a notebook) but he never showed up. Oh well. Hopefully he’ll let me know what he thinks of the book, as I did send it to him, with a letter.
Anyway, Dad and my cousin were by the door, telling people where I was, though I had assumed I wouldn’t be the focus, given that it was Halloween. What was incredible was the fact that some children who weren’t originally sounding interested, looked up at their parents, and soon had it signed and bought for them. I had no idea how many I had sold by 1pm, but it turned out it was 30. 30 copies! Apparently that’s unheard of for an author signing, especially a first one. At the end, I also did autographs for a lady who had previously reserved 6 as well! Munching some lemon cake, which had been kindly presented to me, I started packing up my bits, not quite believing what had just happened.
The annoying thing was I had been down 28 books because a box hadn’t shown up in time, and my next signing and first readings were going to be held in Axminster two days later. What an incredible problem to have! I had been selling so many books that I’d ran out of them, aside from the few that were at home, which I later used for November 2nd.
(Coming up next: Harry Potter day and Book Readings) Hoping to post Thursday 7th November
PS I’m aware I haven’t done that positive writing entry yet, but recording these two days seemed more important at the moment)